Miss Sarah Howard Fourth Grade 1951-52


Howard Sarah 4th grade class 1951-1952

Hawthorne Grade School, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, 1951-52 school year.

Roster 2013, randallawells@yahoo.com

Corrections welcome.

Back row, left to right:

  1. Mary Lynn Marquess
  2. Nancy Johnson
  3. Lee Lantz
  4. Barbara Sorenson or Sorensen
  5. Tom Lane
  6. Craig Standen
  7. Dick Fauquet
  8. Shannon Cobe

Center row:

  1. Miss Sarah Howard
  2. Randy Wells
  3. Betty Kutilek
  4. Harry Strong
  5. Wayne Winder
  6. Monty Bates
  7. Stuart Dunkel
  8. Philip Spencer
  9. Stephanie Vega

Front row:

  1. Janet Oury
  2. Kim Cowlin
  3. Tom Hollinger
  4. Sue Hesterman
  5. Karen Westrom
  6. Robin Eddy
  7. Doris Scannell
  8. David Murphy
  9. Bonnie McChesney

Note: This photograph may seem only tenuously linked to the long-ago past. But I can still feel Miss Howard’s sudden and vexed fingers on the arm of my yellow sweater as she pulled me from the other side of the stage.